Creation & Resistance: Printmaking in Dark Times

Curators: Juan R. Fuentes & Art Hazelwood
Artist: Group*
Displayed: March 4, 2017 – April 7, 2017

The unexpected results of the 2016 election created a fierce and immediate cultural reaction, as many people were forced to reconsider the role of culture in the personal and the political.

Creation & Resistance sprung to life from out of this unique context, capturing 11 artists’ responses to this moment of struggle and survival. The artists represented a diverse array of printmakers and approaches. Some had jumped into the fray with immediate responses—street posters, direct attacks, caricatures—while others remained deep in thought contemplating the times, with an eye towards the psychological or even mythological elements of the moment. Sensitivity to the currents of our times, as well as an ability to put that vision into concrete form, is what bound them together in this exhibition.

Exhibiting Artists:
David Avery
Alexandra Blum
Chamuco Cortez
Kate Laster
Fernando Marti
Golbanou Moghaddas
Emmanuel Montoya
Malaquías Montoya
Patrick Piazza
Jos Sances
Veronica Solis

About the Curators:

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